Thanksgiving Memories – November 2K14 Youth Expression

By Crystal McCown, age 12


Thanksgiving MemoriesThe table is set before me.

Heavenly scents fill the air.

Mama puts the food on the tables.

We gather around to share.


She's got the turkey in the oven.

Pies are smelling so sweet.

Family sitting around,

Waiting to eat.


I hear the laughter of adults

As they sit at the table.

Daddy says, "Let's bow our heads,"

And Mama does, too, if she's able.


Daddy always thanks the Lord

For the food He placed before us.

Bless the hands that prepared it.

Then, we all say, "Amen," thankfully.


Daddy sitting at the table

Waiting while Mama passes the food around.

I look at her and smile

And ask can you please pass some of the food down


My memories of Thanksgiving,

I hold dear to my heart.

I wish I could travel back

And have the food all over again.


And, feel what I had felt again.