Perfect Peace – March 2K10 WTLB

Several years ago, when I lost my husband to stomach cancer, I cried out to God and asked God, "Lord, what am I going to do?" How am I going to make it? I can't take care of everything by myself! My husband helped me with everything and now he is gone. My companion, my friend, and my supporter, is gone! The person I spent time with and did everything with is now gone! Lord, what do I do? It was during that cry God spoke directly to me from the book of Isaiah 26:23, and told me, "I will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind on Me." Not fully understanding what He really meant or how to do it, I just began to trust God and rely on Him and listen to His word and He continued to lead and direct me. So many days when my faith got weak God reached out and helped me and on the days when I became overwhelmed and thought I could not take anymore, God kept me.

Since that time, I can honestly say that God has never left my side. He has walked with me every step of the way. When I wondered how I would pay my bills because my financial demands were based on a two income household, God blessed me with a job that doubled my husband's salary and allowed me to continue to pay my bills and fully function. Whenever I get sick and wonder who will care for me, God heals me and comforts me and lets me know that He is with me and that He will care for me. Even now around holidays and special occasions when I get lonely because I miss my husband’s companionship the most, God always sends someone to call, knock on my door, or do something special for me, just to lift my spirits, to remind me that He cares for me and that He is with me.

Saints, sometimes our circumstances in life try to weigh us down and distract us from seeing who God really is and who God wants to be in our lives, but I can testify that God can handle all of our problems and that He can fill any void. I encourage you to keep your minds on God, by reading His word, getting involved in God-related activities such as prayer and bible study, and by creating a special time to meet with God to develop your personal relationship with Him. He will keep your mind in Perfect Peace.

God Bless,
Mother Deborah Brown