Jesus Paid it All!



Can you believe we’re only a few weeks away from celebrating the resurrection of our Savior?  Many refer to this day as “Easter” (which is a pagan holiday), but I prefer calling it Resurrection Sunday!  Here at Holiness Tabernacle we’ve scheduled a myriad of worship services and activities to celebrate.  We’ll re-enact many of the parables Jesus taught, we’ll have Holy Communion, feet washing, a baptism service and Good Friday Worship Service where we’ll discuss and expound on his seven last words from the cross.  There’ll be great singing, music and praise.  However, have you stopped and considered who is responsible for this day?

Of many valuable lessons my parents taught me, one was to be accountable and responsible for obligations and commitments.  For example, my father was weary of buying things “on time” or credit.  He preferred to wait until you could pay for things outright.  He drilled into me head the importance of paying your bills on time, and as a man, providing for your family.  As I look forward to Resurrection Sunday, I think about the bill or account Jesus paid for me and all of mankind.

Since the day in the Garden when Adam and Eve sinned, a curse was pronounced on mankind.  The debt we had to pay was extremely high.  If that wasn’t bad enough, Adam and Eve weren’t the only ones to sin.  The Bible declares that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  The Word also tells us that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).  You might have a reason or cause to complain about sin’s penalty if you had never done wrong, but you and I have participated in disobeying God without any help from anyone else.

Jesus knew we could not redeem or save ourselves.  He knew we could not get back in good standing with God on our own; so He gave His life for us.  The Bible makes the point that scarcely for a righteous or good man would one die, but while we were yet in our sin, Christ died for us (Romans 5:7).  What a though.  Many of us either respond to acts of love, or we show love and only continue to display love if it is reciprocated.  Jesus, however, loved us when we showed no signs of responding in a loving, obedient way.

The debt we owed could never be paid by the sacrifices.  The debt we owed could never be erased by our good deeds because all our righteousness is as filthy rags when compared to God (Isaiah 64:6). Isn’t it great to know that when God looks at me now I’m covered by the blood of Jesus?  Isn’t it good to know my debt has been stamped, “paid in full!”?  Jesus’ victory on the cross, reinforced what my parents taught me years ago – pay your bills.  Jesus act of dying on the cross reinforced what my father taught me years ago, a real man works to meet the needs of his family.  A real man puts his desires on hold so that his wife and children’s desires are met.  That’s what Jesus did for us.

As the warmth of spring approaches, as the grass and flowers begin to stretch forth and come alive again, let’s not fail to worship and praise God for paying our debt and arising in us again. Let’s praise our Savoir for paying our debt.  Make sure you find your way to the house of God on Resurrection Sunday and blend your praise with others.  Then, I challenge you to let that experience lead you to another corporate worship experience.  Soon you’ll find yourself making continual payments of praise to a God who is worthy of all our praise.  Why you may ask? 

Jesus paid it all;

All to him I owed;

Sin had left a crimson stain,

He washed it white as snow!


I bless you in the name of the Lord!!

Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.

Pastor & Founder, Holiness Tabernacle COGIC


PS:  If you’re in search of a place of worship, check out our website for service opportunities during this season.