Never Alone

Never Alone

By Missionary Andrea Mabry


In the south, storms are expected. Some are more turbulent than others due to the climate dynamics of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.  Storm systems that sustain winds over 71 miles per hour are classified as hurricanes. During the period of June 1st through November 30th, hurricane season, people take the necessary precautions in the event a storm system changes.


One year, I recall standing in my parent’s yard beholding a sunny and stormy day. In the front yard, the storm was passing with rain falling heavily, but in the rear, the sun was shining bright.  I stood in amazement because the front yard was a sign of disturbance while the rear was calmness. I did not give any thought to the changing weather pattern with lightning, thunder and wind. I had never seen anything like this so I ran in the house and out of the storm.


When I reflect on this experience, I have walked into the storms of life and have come out only because of God’s grace toward me. Some storms were short lived while others were too overwhelming to fathom. I went from the sun into the rain of the storm system with the unexpected death of another loved one. As I mentally started coming to terms with a broken heart, the wind blew with false accusation, dishonesty and betrayal.  I had been hurt and wounded before, but this stretch was exhausting. What happened to my ability to be resilient? I questioned within myself, “Why?” The enemy endeavored to plant a seed of doubt and hopelessness because he wanted to magnify the storm over the “Son” that shined always.


As I continued to seek God for the answers, I needed to lose my way and allow Him to have His way. When I called on the name of Jesus, He came to my rescue. God said He would never leave nor forsake me. God reminded me that I am “Never Alone.”


He allowed me to hear songs and scriptures from my arsenal. 


In songs such as Never Alone, I heard I don’t have to worry ‘cause I’m never alone, never alone.  


In Until I Found The Lord, I prayed and I prayed, prayed all night long until I found the Lord.  


In Total Praise, I lifted my eyes to the hill, and he was the source of my strength.


In Lord Don’t Move the Mountain, it was Lord, don’t move the mountain but give the strength to climb. And Lord don’t take away the stumbling block, but lead me all around.


The scriptures in my arsenal were Hebrews 13:5b which says, “for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”


Psalm 27:5 reminded me, For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.”


Psalm 46:1 gave comfort that, God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”


Nehemiah 8:10b declared, For the joy of the Lord is your strength.”


In life, we will have sunshine and rain, but know that God is our present help and will guide us through victoriously. We just need to commit to His will and allow Him to bring us to the ark of safety knowing that we are “Never Alone” and our help cometh from Him.

One Comment

  1. Sis.Ballinger

    Thank you

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