Remember, Don’t Forget


Remember, Don’t Forget


“Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.” ~Hebrews 2:1 (KJV)


One of my favorite months for weather is October. As a native of the Chicago area, the fall weather here in the Washington Metropolitan area has been a welcome change; here you will find some of the most beautiful color changes and delightful weather patterns.

Not only do I love the weather and the colors, I love the way that the pace of life seems to slow.  Many of us take time to remember the September 11th attacks, parents take a breath as the children return to school, some begin looking ahead to the winter holidays, and still others like my wife and I are able to get away for a few days of “R&R”. In the month of October, I have an opportunity to be reflective.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” ~Psalm 103:1-2 (KJV)


This particular psalm is authored by King David, and I believe it is a reflective writing.  Notice that David blesses the Lord with everything he has, and then does it again, warning us of the danger in forgetting the Lord’s benefits.  He then continues to name several of those benefits:  forgiveness, healing, redemption and love, to name a few. 

What is it about human beings that makes us so quick to forget?

How is it that a man can look into a woman’s eyes and declare his love for her, but turn around and physically abuse her?  How can a woman stand before witnesses and exchange vows with a man only to drive across town and lay with another man?  How is a person able to declare their allegiance to God, yet fail to serve Him? How does one promise to serve the God of the universe if He’ll perform a certain miracle, but turn on Him as soon as He makes a way?  How does a politician make promises he does not keep?  Or a preacher preach a sermon he does not live by?  Or a teacher provide instructions they do not follow?  They must have forgotten.

How well I remember the way church attendance increased after the terrorist attacks in 2001. Fifteen years later however, America has strayed so far away from God, the president announced we are no longer a Christian nation.  What the Bible declared to be sin, has now been declared legal.

The saints of old were so different than we are today.  Their motto was “Church, church and more church!”  Yet, we attend church less and less. The saints of old believed in participatory worship, in testimonial service and tarrying at the altar.  Today we allow people to praise for us, and we do not believe in tarrying for anything anymore. 

I believe we have forgotten how good, how awesome, how holy and how righteous God is. I believe we have forgotten how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, Pompeii, Germany, Egypt, the Philistines, and the list continues.  I believe we have forgotten the September 11th attacks, Pearl Harbor, and the list goes on.

I believe we have forgotten how miserable our lives were in sin.  I believe we have forgotten that clean, refreshed and empowered feeling we experienced when we first came to Jesus Christ.  I believe we have forgotten the times we called to God when we were in trouble, and He delivered us.  I believe we have forgotten the many miraculous healings and victories He performed for us.

Friends, bad things happen when we forget. When we forget, we go back on our word and commitments. We let people down, and we are much more vulnerable. We are much more likely to slip into a backslidden condition.  We are more likely to stray from God, and revert to a state of living in sin that is displeasing to Him.

Let me encourage you- if you find yourself forgetting God, your vows and promises, take some time and reflect on God’s goodness.  If you are struggling to remember the love you once expressed for your spouse, take a few days and get away with your husband or wife for a romantic weekend.  I believe soon you will join David and find yourself recalling just how much God has blessed you!

Remember. Don’t forget!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!!