This Year I’m Going to Thank & Praise the Lord!

This Year I’m Going to Thank & Praise the Lord!

Genesis 29:35

Psalm 115:18


Can you believe it?  Soon we’ll be gathered around the table with friends and family eating, laughing and reminiscing of events and good times we experienced this past year and years.  I am forever thankful to God for living in only one of two nations that celebrate Thanksgiving!


For some of us it has been perhaps a trying or tumultuous year.  Others may be feeling down or depressed (statistics show suicide rates increase dramatically this time of year).  With the recent police shootings and subsequent protests, presidential campaign and election, threat of terrorism and political unrest in the world, and a seemingly never ending economical challenge, there is certainly a great deal to be worried, stressed and complain about.  But I have a message from the Lord through His word.


Some of you may or may not be familiar with the story of Leah in the bible – she was the first wife of Joseph.  However, he never desired to marry her and throughout their marriage the bible never records that he ever expressed his love for her.  In fact, he was really madly in love with her younger sister Rachel.  If you read the story (Genesis 29:15 – 35), the story references that she was not physically attractive and her sister was preferred over her.  It almost seemed at every opportunity she was reminded that she was not her husband’s first choice.


Leah birthed sons for her husband; this was a big deal in that day.  Her sister was barren and this was a curse:  it made no difference; Jacob still loved Rachel more than Leah.  It was so bad that at times Leah had to bargain Rachel just to spend time with Jacob.  Then something happens, Leah births another son by Jacob and she names him Judah or praise.  Then she makes a statement, “…now will I praise the Lord…”  The bible then records that after this she didn’t have any more children.  Here is what the Lord showed me in this word.


Leah had attempted to please her husband to earn his love and attention.  She bribed her sister to spend time with Jacob.  After all of these efforts her lot with people had not improved.  It is then Leah makes a life changing decision, she makes a conscious decision to praise the Lord.  She names her son Judah (which means praise) and didn’t have any more children.  Child bearing no longer was her top priority, praising God was.  Her physical attractiveness to her husband was no longer her top priority.  This is not to say we don’t concern ourselves with being attractive to our spouses, but it does not take precedence over worshipping God.  Pleasing other people no longer dominated her agenda or thoughts, praising God would be.


It wouldn’t take me very long to come up with a list of things that didn’t necessarily go well for me in 2016.  Perhaps this or that could have turned out differently or “better”.  However, this time I’m going to worship and praise and thank God.  I believe that all things work together for the good for me!  I believe if I take my attention off of myself; I believe if I focus on pleasing God; I believe if I stop trying to change myself for the sake of making others happy, I believe I will do a better job of thanking God.


Friends, let me encourage you to follow the example of Leah.  When she decided to praise God, perhaps her husband still did not love her (the bible does say that when Jacob died her requested to be buried with Leah – not Rachel), perhaps her sister continued to look down on her, perhaps her physical appearance did not get better.  Even her child-bearing ceased – it did not matter, she praised God.  God in turn blessed her son – Judah – to be the one through whom Jesus would come.


Be encouraged:  whatever did not go well with you this year let it go.  As you gather with your friends and family, spend some time laughing.  Tell some old funny stories and remanence about the good ole days.  Make sure you bless and thank God and give Him the praise He’s due.  This year join Leah and I and praise the Lord.


I bless you in the name of the Lord!