Men’s WOTM: The Perfect Father

The Perfect Father

By Brother C. Randolph


Last month we celebrated Father’s Day.  The first Father’s Day was celebrated in the United States in 1908 to complement Mother’s Day.  At that time, it was not recognized as a federal holiday.  However, Mother’s Day was federally observed since 1911.  Several Presidents attempted to implement the day honoring fatherhood into law, but it was denied by congress.  In essence, men had to prove that a father was just as important to the family as a mother.  Finally, in 1966 President Johnson designated the third Sunday in June as the honorary day.  But it was not until 1972 that President Nixon permanently signed the day as a federal holiday.      


While mothers are extremely important to a child, the father adds an entirely different dynamic in raising children.  Fathers may throw a child in the air to play, while mothers may say that is too high.  Fathers may chase a child, while a mother may say no running in the house.  Fathers teach children courage, express tough love, prepare children for the real world, and show a commitment to providing for the family at all costs.  A father will put his personal needs on hold to ensure his children get anything they ask for. 


But a father can only provide what he is capable of accessing.  Children want the biggest and most extravagant items at times – tings that may not be good for a child to have.  A father has to make a decision on what is best for a child and what is not.  Sometimes a father gets it right and sometimes a father has to use the situation as a learning experience.  This may cause a child to be temporarily displeased with their father if an item is removed or not given at all.  As children get older and have their own child, they begin to understand the struggles of their father.


We have a heavenly father who has some similarities.  GOD teaches us courage, expresses his love toward us, prepares us for the enemy’s tricks, and provides all that we need.  As children, we can become extravagant is what we ask from GOD.  Philippians 4:19 says, But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (KJV).  The one key word in that scripture is need and not want.  Our walk with HIM should be about living holy and doing what is acceptable in the eyes of GOD.  Unlike our earthly father, GOD has no limitations.  We must trust GOD and understand what we ask for may not be in HIS plan.  What we ask might not be something that glorifies HIM.  JESUS told us in Luke 12:15, “Beware!  Guard against every kind of greed.  Life is not measured by how much you own” (NLT). 


With our earthly fathers, it’s possible to get upset when we cannot get what we want or if we have something taken away after a father realizes the child did not need it.  But, when we lose faith in GOD, we show HIM that we are upset with HIS decisions and questions HIS judgment.  But GOD is perfect is all HIS ways.  HE does not have to do trail and error to find what is right for us.  The Bible says, “No good thing does HE withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalms 84:11, KJV).  HE is the perfect Father who loves us.  GOD sees our heart, sees our motives and wants a relationship with us that is full of complete faith and trust. 


Men had to prove that Father’s Day should be recognized for all the accomplishments that they provide.  GOD has already proved and continues to prove how excellent HE is.  HIS mercy, kindness, everlasting love, and how HE provides for us make HIM the perfect Father.

One Comment

  1. Vivian Pruitte

    Great article! It really reminds us of the importance and significance of having a father in our lives. If our natural fathers don’t measure up, our Heavenly Father always does.

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