We’re Better Together



We’re Better Together!


Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.  For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?  And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12


Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Psalm 133:1


Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25


Believe it or not it’s that time of year again.  The hot summer days will soon come to an end and we’ll turn our attention towards autumn and the return to school.  I always mark the beginning of the end summer because the First Jurisdiction of Virginia Church Of God In Christ celebrates its annual Holy Convocation.  This year will be our 103rd! 


I look forward to these services for a few reasons. First I know there will be a time of refreshing.  From the opening 40 hour fast through the final benediction, I look forward to God pouring into me.


Second, I look forward to hearing the life giving and life changing word of the Lord.  After preaching and ministering week after week, Sunday after Sunday, I look forward to someone ministering to me. 


Third and finally, I look forward to seeing the saints, the people of God.  From all over Virginia and Carolina the saints hear the call and respond to the voice of God through our leader – Bishop Ted Thomas.


While I look forward to the convocation, truth be told I look forward to any and every opportunity to fellowship with the people of God.  Why might you ask?  I literally believe what the scripture says – we’re better together!  Why else would the enemy go to such lengths to keep us separated?  Look at the devices he’s concocted:  racism, bigotry, war, bullying, caste systems, fear, bitterness, grudges, infidelity, divorce, violence, poverty… there is even talk now of constructing a wall.


In the very beginning the Lord told us that it wasn’t good for a man to be alone.  There isn’t a day that passes that I don’t thank God for my wife who walks beside me in our family challenges as well as ministry.  I’ve also been blessed with an awesome church family.  I cannot count the number of times the prayers, testimonies, songs and mere smiles of the members have picked me up from doldrums and depression.


Unfortunately there are some who have not heard the words of the Lord.  There are people who claim salvation, but go weeks at a time without the benefit of corporate worship.  There are people who were active in a local church, relocate, and then actually say they want to take a break from church.  There are some persons who are perfectly comfortable with tuning into the internet, or television for service, not because they are sick or convalescing, but they just don't want to be around the saints.  To those persons, I want to encourage you to read and consider the scriptures provided above.  We really are better together; two is better than one.  The enemy knows this and he is determined to keep us divided at all costs.  When we’re divided, the enemy wins.


Let me encourage you today.  If you are not attending and actively working in a local church, seek the Lord today for direction.  If you find yourself missing church regularly, ask God to deliver you from this stronghold.  If you find yourself not wanting to be around the people of God, ask yourself why (by the way, who do you think you’ll see in heaven)?


Don’t wait until the convocation – start today.  Seek out opportunities to be with the people of God.  Soon you’ll find yourself getting stronger and your way of life changing for the better.


I bless you in the name of the Lord!

One Comment

  1. Joyce A Butler

    Thank you Pastor for sharing your heart, being transparent and so encouraging. I have been one of those who have stop attending church on a regular basis and have become comfortable with no going to church and being totally disobedient to the word and commands of God. I didn’t stumble across the Pastor’s desk, God let me here. God bless you and I repent of my sin’s to the Lord.

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