Make it Count!

Make it Count!

By Sister DeAnna Pruitte


Recently, God has been showing me how short life can truly be. James 4:14b says, “For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” Since tomorrow is not promised to anyone, we must make every moment count. Does that mean we shouldn’t have a savings account? Or, does that mean we shouldn’t check the weather to see what you should wear? Not at all! It simply means to make sure whatever your mission in life, whatever you spend the most time on, whatever you focus more of your attention on, make sure it counts!

There are so many people we come across in a day’s time. How many of those people (outside of our family) are we actually making a difference in their lives? I heard this saying a while back that has really stuck with me ever since: Only what you do for Christ will last. That means, if I’m spending too much time worried about things that, if I died tomorrow, wouldn’t matter anyway—it won’t last. If I’m focused so much on bettering myself that I forget about my neighbor—it won’t last. If I’m stingy with my money, time, or attention; things I can’t take with me after I’m gone—it won’t last. But only what I do for Christ will last, so I better make it count!

That means, if I take time to pray for someone that I wouldn’t usually pray for—it’ll count! If I minister to the best of my ability and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest—it’ll count! If I give someone a ride, even if it means I may be a little late to where I’m going—it’ll count! If I decide to turn the other cheek, just because Christ wants me to—it’ll count! So whether I’m singing, giving, helping, etc., as long as it is for Christ’s sake, IT WILL COUNT!

One Comment

  1. Melodye Crawford

    Amen. I need to READ this EVERYDAY at work!!! Thanks so much “It’ll Count”

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