Staying Focused

Staying Focused

By Brother Randolph


In the beginning of 2017 some of us prepared a list of resolutions for the New Year.  We itemized schedules, finances, vacations, career goals, and of course, our fitness plans for the year.  I even wrote an article about it on our church website.  Some may have maintained their plans while others have swayed or modified them over the past few months.  In a twelve month span it can become increasingly difficult to follow the plan exactly.  A faulty engine could lead to the purchase of a new car changing your financial or even vacation plans.  A new position could change you planned schedule.  Oh yes, one missed meal definitely could lead to a late night fast food run shattering your diet.  However, the key is to stay focused!


I am reminded of the woman with the issue of blood.  Here is a woman who was focused on being healed.  It would have been so easy for her to just give up after one diagnosis.  The Bible says she spent all that she had and was seen by several physicians to get better.  But her condition grew worse.  Though she faced this issue for twelve years, she continued to focus being healing.  When she heard JESUS was coming, she knew if she could just get to Him that she could be healed.  She let nothing stop her from getting to the Master, even with the enormous crowd of people.  Her faith was so strong once she touched just the hem of JESUS’ garment she was healed (Matthew 8:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, and Luke 8:43-48).


So what did you consecrate to GOD at the start of the year?  Did you plan to devote more time to prayer for 2017?  Did you originally schedule daily time to studying GOD’s Word?  Remember balancing your budget to increase your offerings?  Have you maintained the plan throughout the year or did you let one day completely throw you off the course?  Many different challenges arise, but as before, the key is to stay focused.     


As we enter into the last quarter of 2017, I challenge you to remain focused on GOD.  If you have failed to maintain those things that were consecrated to the LORD, re-dedicate them today.  Do not let another day or even minute go by without putting HIM first on your priority list.  JESUS said in Matthew 24:13, “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (KJV).  There will continue to be many challenges, trials, and tribulations that will affect our faith.  But we must remember to keep the faith as the woman with the issue of blood did.  With all the challenges she had, her focus was on GOD.  “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2, KJV).