Don’t Forget Yourself

Don't Forget Yourself 

By Alex Purckett


Women are eclectic people, with so many qualities: we are strong, caring, gentle, and we can multitask in our sleep. We always put everyone first before us too, but at the same time, we do it so often it becomes second nature. Ultimately, we forget about ourselves. It's just who we are though, being the type of people we are. But if any other woman is like me, by the time I look up, I've forgotten all about myself to the point that I even forget to eat some days! 


I went through a couple of tough times in my life that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, but I can say that I've learned quite a bit. Much of it has been about taking care of myself, as me (personally as Alex), and as a woman. During those times I had to search for ways to make me happy because I could feel me losing myself. I would take myself to coffee shops and discover my favorite tea. I would purposely set my alarm before I needed to be up, make a cup of my favorite tea, and go outside to watch the sunrise. I would take photos of nature from time to time and capture the moments God made. 


Even now I still do those things and more because they still make me happy and it keeps me from forgetting about myself. Another thing I learned to do and still do: keep a "book of inspiration". On any day I come home and don't quite feel right or feel accomplished at all (because I probably didn't slow down to notice), I open my journal and make three columns that list the following: what I did that day (even if it was just getting out of the bed, sometimes that's all you can do), what made me smile that day, and anything I learned that day (including learning certain slurpee flavors don't mix). By the time I finish, I feel better because I realize not only was my day successful in parts I didn't know at first, but I also remembered myself throughout the day. 


God made us beautiful creatures to spread greatness all over, but He didn't make us to just take care of everyone except ourselves. So ladies eat, pray, love, and never forget yourselves again. 


One Comment

  1. Joyce A Butler

    Thanks for being so transparent and encouraging. I myself like many other’s really need to learn how to like, love and care for ourselves. I spent sooooo many years putting everyone else first because I didn’t think of myself as being worthy enough to be cared for and I felt unimportant, that as the years passed and I grew much older all I’ve felt was exhaustion and have difficulty sometimes even now just caring for me without feeling selfish.
    Again thank you for sharing.

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