I Got a Testimony


By Minister C. T. Randolph


This month I wanted to share a personal testimony with you!


Around this time last year I was finishing dinner and preparing myself for Thursday night service.  I started to feel some discomfort in my chest – so much so that I wasn’t able to walk and had to sit down.  I assumed it was something I ate or probably the fact that I was rushing when I consumed the food.  Either way, this was a pain I had never felt before.  After a few minutes the pain went away, I stood up and I felt much better. 


Soon after I arrived at church, I completely forgot about the discomfort I experienced earlier.  I participated in the service and even played the drums.  Once I began to drive home, however, the pain returned but even more intense than the first time.  This time I was not in my home but on a major expressway traveling sixty-five miles per hour.  In addition, the highway had several vehicles traveling at various speeds on all sides of my vehicle.  I was trying to maintain control of my vehicle but I was disoriented and felt weak so I began to call on the name of JESUS.  Proverbs 18:10 states, “The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the Godly run to Him and are safe” (NLT).  Immediately, I regained strength to drive all the way to my house. 


Still assuming the food I ate earlier disagreed with me, I just took Motrin and went to sleep, intending to call the doctor in the morning.  When I woke I called my primary physician and described the symptoms that occurred.  I was quickly instructed to dial 9-1-1 for an ambulance and head straight to the emergency room.  Once the nurse heard my symptoms I was raced to a bed where several monitors were attached to my chest for observation.  The doctor finally came in and told me I had suffered several heart attacks and my heart rate was so low I would not be allowed to leave for a couple days. 


A couple hours later, after confirming the diagnosis, I told my family and they started to pray with me over the phone.  They then sent the saints to the ER to also pray with me.  “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20 KJV).  The LORD was definitely with us and we believed HIS word and trusted He would bring me out of this ailment.  In the sixteenth chapter of Mark, JESUS told us as we go into the world preaching, as a believer when we lay hands on the sick, they will recover.  


Soon my heart rate began to climb and my progress was so remarkable the doctor said I might not have to stay in the hospital.  In fact a few hours later, the doctor returned, released me, and I was at choir rehearsal praising and magnifying GOD that night!  A few days later I was required to have a follow-up appointment with my primary care doctor.  The doctor said my heart was in great shape and he could not see anything wrong.  I could hear the old saints say “you can’t tell me what GOD can’t do!”  I am a firm believer that GOD can do anything but fail!  To date, I have not had one single complication with my heart.