Double the Blessing, Double the Fun!!

Here at Holiness Tabernacle we have been blessed with some of the most talented and skillful young people the world has to offer.  They are simply a wonder and blast to work with.  I had the blessing and pleasure of sitting down with a couple of our future stars the other day and of many talents and skills they possess, one of their fascinating traits is the fact that they are identical twins:  Maataam and Metheru Diop.  I think you’ll find their viewpoint on life quite interesting.


PP (Pastor Pruitte):  Maataam:  “What’s one good thing about having an identical twin?”

Maataam:  “My sister likes to follow me around and there’s always someone to talk to and play with.”


Metheru:  “I have someone to play with and talk to.  We also like a lot of the same things.”


PP:  “What’s not so good about having a twin?”

Metheru:  Sometimes I want to be alone and my sister keeps following me around.  After awhile, its not so bad.”


Maataam:  “People get us confused and sometimes my sister spies on me.  Sometimes we play tricks on our teachers and grandmother by switching places.  That can be fun!”


PP:  “What are some of your favorite things?”


Maataam:  “I like to play outside and wear blue jeans.  My favorite color is teal and my favorite television show is ‘Right Now Capow’.”


Metheru:  “I like to play outside and wear shorts and skirts or dresses.  My favorite food is spaghetti and my favorite colors are black and gray.  My favorite TV show is the ‘Simpsons’.”


PP:  “How do you feel when people confuse you and mix you up?”

Metheru:  “I think its funny.  Sometimes my grandmother calls my sister and I answer.  Or sometimes during recess we’ll confuse our teachers.”


Maataam:  It’s funny sometimes, but when it happens too much, it can be annoying.”


PP:  “What do you like to do at church?”


Maataam:  “I like it when we play games and when we have our own classes for bible study and Sunday School.”


Metheru:  “I like it when we have our own classes and Vacation Bible School.  I also like when we go to the pumpkin patch and have hayrides.


PP:  “Sometimes I get you mixed up; does that ever happen with Jesus?”


Metheru:  “No because He knew me before I was born.”


Maataam:  “You see pastor, she took my answer!”