

By Mother Lillian DeLardge


According to the Newberry House Dictionary of American English, the word “pace” has more than one meaning:


1. To walk back and forth in a worried manner 2. To pace oneself; to moderate one’s rate or speech 3. To measure by taking steps; pacing off an area. 4. To keep pace: to maintain a strong level of activity: to meet expected standards: I have worked seven days a week for several months, but I can’t keep up that pace forever!


In the month of October, I went to see my neurologist who was very concerned with a nerve in my right arm that can cause problems with the heart. The cardiologist, specializing in heart functions, ordered a series of tests. EKG (Electro Cardiogram), Echo gram, sonogram and a walk on the treadmill with connections to a monitor, which included before and after echo grams. I kept a prayerful mind believing that God would take me through. While on the treadmill the doctor increased the speed. I continued my stride and prayed silently to myself. He said very calmly, “Good pace.” Yes, the word pace was used in my treadmill experience in good terms.


This gentle encouragement reminded me to keep the “good pace” in my spiritual life. I must put God first in all that I do and say, with a steady life of prayer and worship, meeting the saints with true godly praise. Reading the Word on a daily basis, asking God for the spiritual understanding of His Word. Not running ahead trying to figure things out myself, putting the conclusion on the matter. The scripture says, “The race is not given to the swift,” (Eccl. 9:11) so I’m not going to be swift but keep a “good pace.”


I admonish my sisters and brothers to let the Lord teach you and guide in this spiritual walk with Him. Put one foot in front of the other, one day at a time, not rushing or racing, but learn to pace yourself so that you’re able to maintain a good walk with the Lord Jesus our Savior.