This is the Month!

Black History: THIS IS THE MONTH!

By Brother Anthony Green


This month in particular, as we highlight and reminisce on the numerous African Americans who have paved the way in sports, education, engineering, science, entertainment and various other industries, we must also consider the black influence and culture within the Bible concerning the creation of man. Undeniably the Holy Bible is a multicultural book. However, one cannot deny the true presence of African influence throughout the Bible.


Many will try to discredit this fact and the influence that blacks have in the Bible because the words "black" and "African" are not mentioned in the Bible. Instead, terms such as Ethiopians, Egyptians, Cushites, Midianites and several other tribal terms are mentioned. Black people should know that we have always played a central role in God’s plan for humanity, and in no way were an afterthought of the Creator.


By now, some may still refute the fact that blacks have a presence in the Bible, while others may frivolously seek answers. Without question, the stories in the Bible took place in modern day Middle East, but we must also remember that the Holy Land of Israel was connected to Africa until the late 1800’s when the Suez Canal was built. Furthermore, after a bit of research in spirit of black history month, here are a few accounts where the presence of blacks played a role in the Bible, to include:

  • Moses’ wife Zipporah of the Kenite clan of the Midianites and her father Jethro would be considered African in the books of Exodus.
  • In the book of Genesis, there is mention of Hagar, the Egyptian maid of Sarah.
  • Additionally in Genesis, Nimrod the son of Cush, founded a civilization in Mesopotamia.
  • Joseph married an Egyptian woman, Asenath, a descendant from Mizraim, which made her Hamitic; thus there is a strong likelihood she was black.


Though the aforesaid are just a few examples of the influence blacks played in the Bible within the Old Testament, the black influence is immensely prevalent throughout the entire Bible. During this month, while we appreciate many trailblazing African Americans who fought for freedom and equality, remember those God thought enough of to play a role in the creation of man. THIS IS THE MONTH!

One Comment

  1. Pastor Pruitte

    Awesome, well written and well presented!

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