Spring is in the Air


Spring is in the Air

Romans 12:2

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


II Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 


As I grow older I have become much more appreciative of the seasons and what they represent in our lives: literally and symbolically.  In my youth, without question summer months were my favorite.  School was not in session and I could run and play freely with my friends.  The month of March is considered the beginning of Spring, and this has become one of my favorite seasons.


When the calendar rolls around to the Spring season, it seems as though life, nature and the animals come back to life.  The trees begin to bud and there is a hope they’ll be filled with leaves and life again.  The ground itself becomes softer and you can actually see the grass turning greener. Animals, who were absent for several weeks, come out of hibernation and even the birds migrate back from their winter homes.  Some even say we humans are more likely to fall in love during the spring.


It cannot be an accident that Christians begin preparing to celebrate the greatest event that has ever occurred in the history of mankind – our Savior giving His life for us, defeating death, hell and the grave.


Personally, I love the sensation of newness and a freshness in the air.  Perhaps one of the most precious aspects of a life in Jesus is the brand new feeling the Spirit can birth in us.  He does not need a specific day, time or place.  He doesn’t need a certain month or pre-ordained event.  All He needs is a willing heart, a dedicated mind and a repented spirit.


As humans it is amazing how quickly we can become bored or fall into a routine.  Our relationships, work performance and even worship can become monotonous and stale.  We can begin to take things and people for granted.  We have a tendency to look over some things and lose sight of detail.


I could have selected several other scriptures that allude to a fresh start, a new beginning or simply a revival.  These are quite familiar to many of us.  It is my prayer that we will take the necessary time to revive those things God has given us.  Don’t allow your worship to God to become monotonous (repent or learn a new song).  Don’t sit back and see your marriage growing stale (go to dinner, or a short get away).  Perhaps you’ve allowed some of your talents or dreams to wander into hibernation – ask God to stir them up in you!  Maybe you need to do a little “spring cleaning” in your life.  You know those persons that have latched onto you?  Or, you picked them up at a yard sale (something you didn’t really need but it was cheap and caught your attention).


There is a newness in the air.  Seek the Lord today for the latter rain that will produce a newness in you!


I bless you in the name of the Lord.


Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.

Holiness Tabernacle COGIC, Founder & Pastor