The Truth of the Bible
Minister C.T. Randolph
Last year I was enrolled in a course that gave an introduction to the Holy Bible. A significant portion of the course discussed the consistent attempt by people to discredit the Bible and its origin. Before taking the course, I had heard a few individuals speak on how they did not believe the Bible. Of course, I was knowledgeable of denominations that either credit another document to their faith or only utilized various sections of the Holy Bible. However, I was not fully aware of the vast number of groups and organization who work tirelessly to place the Holy Bible in question.
I compare my experience in the class to when you buy a car. Prior, you never notice how many people have the same vehicle on the road. Soon after you make the purchase, not only do you see the same vehicle but the same color and year. Immediately after completing the course I seemed to encounter so many misguided people who were influenced by those who would refute the Bible’s account. One individual actually wrote me a note stating there was no GOD and that the Bible was not real because it was written man. They further stated that since the Bible was just written by lying men, I could not be saved from my sins and was going to hell.
As I began to pray about the message I reflected on how impactful the Bible is in any period of time. Many books pertain to the era they were written or the author’s attempts to predict the future. But they are just that, an attempt but not truth. There is only one explanation for a book written so long ago that yet discusses events and occurrences happening today. There is only one explanation for a book written so long ago that teaches you how to raise children, manage money, maintain a healthy marriage, run a business, and treat others, to name a few.
The answer is that only a Supreme Deity could inspire man to write such words.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says “All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That then man of GOD may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (KJV). Only GOD’s wisdom could inspire man to write in this manner. But men speaking out against the Bible is nothing new to the people of GOD. Throughout the Bible, the enemy has influenced people to not adhere to the truth. In 1 Timothy the fourth chapter, the author talks about how in the last days, more people will turn away from GOD “giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1 KJV). We see this in our lives and how people in influential positions influence those to turn away from GOD.
I continue to state that GOD’s Word has never failed. We can stand on it, knowing it will always be true. When reading the Word of GOD, the scriptures turn our mind on our own lives and help us to understand that only the hand of GOD could have brought us through. GOD can turn our minds away from evil and into the knowledge of the truth, but we must submit ourselves to Him. Several scriptures discuss coming out of darkness or being born into light. Jesus is the light of the world. HIS word is still true and gives direction for eternal life. Lastly, for those who say we cannot recover from our sins, the Bible tells us “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV).