Prerequisites for the Next Level

What are the Prerequisites for the Next Level?

By Missionary Felicia Garrison


This year for the Holiness Tabernacle Annual Women’s Retreat I was asked to facilitate the workshops and the topic I was “Next Level.” As I started meditating on the topic a thought came to me and I came up with the subtopic and question, “What are the Prerequisites for the Next Level?”

Mastering the level, you’re on now requires you to do a self-examination. You must allow yourself to be transparent and ask God to show you the areas needed for change. It is ok to feel stuck at this level, however, it is not ok to stay stuck. The women at the retreat were challenged to do a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for S-strength, W-weaknesses, O-opportunities, T-threats. Assessing your SWOT will help to see your strengths, what could you improve, how you can turn your strengths into opportunities, and what threats could harm you. Everyone knows that the biggest threat against a woman of God who is on the mission to reach her next level is Satan.

Preparing yourself for the next level requires that we write the vision and make it plain… for though it tarries, it will come to pass (Habakkuk 2:2). It all starts with preparation. If you want to reach your goals and fulfill your potential, you must become intentional about personal growth. The more you become intentional about your personal growth, the better it will be for you because growth compounds and accelerates if you remain intentional about it. Remember, Esther went through a preparation process before she was presented to the king.

When God begins to move you to a new level, you will more than likely encounter various opposition. As He moves you forward, the devil wants to move you backward – or at the very least, cause you to stay where you are.  He will orchestrate many thoughts or feelings designed to hold you back.  Commit to your vision and goals and overcome any opposition that will come against you.

Ready, Set, Go! Take action and move ahead with bold faith. Any time God is shifting you from one level to the next, there comes a point at which you simply must go for it.  This is beyond commitment, a point past making a firm decision to move forward.  This is the point at which faith springs into action and becomes more alive than ever before. Remember, God is faithful. He is faithful to finish the work He has begun in you. Move up to your next level!