Growing Old Together

Growing Old Together

By Sister Vanessa Alexander


“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). He created mankind (Genesis 1:27).  


God's intention was not for man not to be alone, therefore, He created a companion for Adam. Once upon a time, our ancestors followed God’s plan for mankind. Couples would get married, and they would be committed to one another through the good and bad, they would grow old together. I admired my parents as they aged together. They finished each other’s sentences, cooked for each other, prepared each other’s cup of coffee in the mornings, and much more. This "nuclear" family still exists in some families in modern day society, but unfortunately it is slowly slipping away. I watched my parents go through the transformation from young to old and wise. The wrath of this carnal world has led to divorces, separations, abuse, neglect, and more as the list can go on and on. It has caused a shift in the nuclear family, and couples are no longer “getting old together.” 


I often reflect on my life, and what God has brought me through, and what He has done for me. I acknowledge my accomplishments and what I still have to work on, including my hopes, and dreams. I try to see where God is taking me, and I can’t help but say “I made it! He kept me.” Twenty-seven years ago, I was married to my children's father, and about a year and a half ago, I was divorced from my children's father. I begged the question, “who am I getting old with?” If God’s plan was so that man should not be alone, why am I alone! Who is my companion? Who is my confidant? Whose sentence am I finishing?” I believe everything, good or bad, is a divine intervention from God. He has planned every aspect of my life regardless to whether it pleases us or not. 


Nine years ago, I embarked on this Christian walk. I asked God to take the lead in my life, and in return, I was committed to following. I wanted Him to renew in me a clean heart to serve Him and equip me with the fruits of the spirit (love, patience, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). In doing so, the decision was made that it was no longer about companionship, but more about serving the Lord. God has placed some remarkable women of God in my life to help guide me. These women have become my confidants, friends, women I can pray with, women who pray for me, cry with me, and talk with me. These women are who I can call my sisters in Christ, and who I know care about me and my walk with Christ. The more my faith increases, and the manifestation of the fruit of the spirit dwells in me, God will direct me to who I will grow old with.


Although it may not have been the outcome I wanted at some point, I am blessed and thankful that God has placed such wonderful people in my life. It was surely in God's plan for me to grow old with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and the many people He has entrusted me with. Companionship is not my number one priority, and God is telling me that is okay! Especially because I am surrounded by people I love and trust.