The following was shared during the 2018 Annual Youth Day service. Several youth were invited to write a letter to their former and/or future selves, encouraging them to stay with Christ and trust that He would bring them higher!

Dear Colleen,

There have been many times you’ve been faced with situations and you did not see how you were going to make it out. Today, I stand here to remind you that you can do anything and everything you put your mind to. However, in order to achieve your goals, there are a few things you must keep in mind.

First, you must have confidence. Have confidence in yourself, but also have confidence in those around you. Imagine this: life is like driving and if you’re not confident in what you’re doing, accidents can happen. When you are uncertain, you become a hazard to yourself and those around you. So, check your mirrors and make your decision. Either change lanes or stay. But whatever you choose to do, do not look back. Hold your head up with the Godly boldness you have, believe in your abilities and talents that God has blessed you with and do all that you can do.

Next, always put your best foot forward. Every morning, get out of bed with a purpose. Decide what you are going to achieve today and go after it with all of your efforts. Get good grades in school, be the best on the team and be the top seller in your job. Give 110%, even if the job only requires 100%.

Remember, time won’t stop for you. Worrying and stressing will not get you anywhere. Ask for help when you need it, make connections and develop relationships that will last a lifetime.

Above all, remember that God is in control. Everything won’t work out within seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or even years, but even if I don’t know what tomorrow holds, God does. So, strive to go higher in everything and remember that no matter the situation, you’ll come out on top.


