103rd Holy Convocation Recap

By Pastor Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.

More than 100 years ago the Lord birthed a burden and desire for holiness in a young Baptist minister – Elder Charles Harrison. Little did he know that his submission to that directive from God is still having its impact on millions of people today, and I am included in that number.

Bishop Mason launched the concept of the Holy Convocation as a result of combining two events he had experienced – the “Camp Meeting” which was a revival / spiritual experience, and the Baptist Convention which was intended to address the business needs of the church. The Holy Convocation was intended to not only merge those two, but do more. Based upon the Holy Scriptures (Lev. 23; Numbers 28, 29), it was to be a gathering of the saints. I witnessed this last week in Saint Louis, Missouri at the 103rd Annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ, Inc.

The Holy Convocation was also designed to gather the saints to sit at the feet of our founder, Bishop Mason, to learn the doctrine of holiness and to be encouraged to return to their different homes and execute the vision God had laid upon him. Bishop Mason left us nearly 50 years ago, however, had he been alive today and been in attendance at this year’s Holy Convocation, I believe he would be proud.

When I heard the news of the move of the Holy Convocation from Memphis, Tennessee to Saint Louis, Missouri, I began making plans. I telephoned family members, friends and other church members encouraging them to attend the Convocation. I wasn’t so sure about the move, but I was sure I had to be there because I knew what the Convocation symbolized – a gathering of the saints. I also remembered what Bishop Mason desired for the Convocation – that the saints would not only come together and worship the Lord, but that we would also hear from the leader God had chosen to lead His people – the Presiding Bishop, Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr. My experience was a memorable one from the first day.

I arrived Monday evening (November 8th) and found my flight, retrieval of my rental car and hotel accommodations to be less expensive, smoother and much nicer than anything I had ever experienced in Memphis (after landing and picking up  the rental car, I arrived at my hotel within 45 minutes). Still, the jury was out, I had come for worship service – I was not disappointed.

The following morning I received a telephone call from a former high-school classmate whom I had not seen in thirty years. We spent several minutes catching up on our lives (families, careers, etc.). As a native of the Saint Louis area, he told me how excited the city was to hear that the saints were coming. He informed me that he and another friend of mine would be returning to attend church service with me (they are of different reformations). It was then time for another blessing.

I drove a couple of hours south to meet my brother who had driven north from Memphis with my father. My dad returned with me to Saint Louis to attend the Convocation. What a treat that was, to worship God with my dad next to me. It got even better.

The following morning my father and I attended the Bishop G. E. Patterson Morning Manna – the first ever outside of Memphis, Tennessee. After engaging in a soul stirring prayer session with Mother Francis Kelly and the prayer warriors, we heard a stirring message from Bishop Jack Whitehead. His subject was Recapturing What the Thief had Taken from Us – with the help of “Officer Jesus.” The power of God moved and we had a glorious time. It got even better!

Wednesday I returned to the airport to pick up my daughter Sis Delia Pruitte, who after serving two terms on the International Youth Advisory Council (the last term she served as President), was on program at the Thursday evening service – at the Holy Convocation! Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better – it did.

Thursday morning my father, daughter, and I again attended Morning Manna – Evangelist Tommie Marie Brown brought the message – How Do You See. What an anointed word the Lord has placed in her. I then left for the airport again to pick up my wife and my youngest daughter. What a blessing, here I was at the Holy Convocation with my wife, two daughters and my father. Imagine three generations of Pruittes worshipping God together.

Thursday evening we sat among thousands and listened as worship and praise went forth and the power of God poured out on us. However, we had a little more invested interest – my daughter was on program and presented a “Thematic Moment.” Imagine the pride that welled up inside as I saw my daughter on program at the Holy Convocation! She was fantastic as she explained the vision of missions that began with our Founding Father – Bishop Mason, and was being continued today through Bishop Blake.

Perhaps the most stirring message I heard was from Pastor Edwin Walker of Illinois at Saturday morning’s Morning Manna – I Need the Anointing I witnessed hundreds of people literally running to the altar for prayer, encouragement, healing, strength, you name it. I was even told of a lady whose path was blocked, but she leaped over a chair to get to the altar! I was reminded of the followers of Christ who said, “did not our hearts burn?”

Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr.

Unquestionably Sunday was the highlight of the week for me. It began by heading out for service with my family – to the Edward Jones Dome, a stadium that seats more than 66,000 people. It was literally amazing. Bishop Blake’s message was preceded by an address from none other than our Commander and Chief – President Barak Obama. President Obama congratulated Bishop Blake and the Church for their accomplishments via a televised message. As I looked around the stadium I thought about the promise God made Bishop Mason. “If you use this name, there will never be a place large enough to hold the saints.” In addition to the thousands in attendance, there were countless millions watching via the internet.

Bishop Blake preached another stirring message – Great God, Great Vision, Great Accomplishments. As the Word went forth, I found myself on my feet praising God and encouraging our leader.

Monday morning came all too quickly. It was time to take my wife and daughters back to the airport. My father left late Monday evening. I found myself alone with my thoughts, memories and emotions of the 103rd Annual Holy Convocation. Yes, it was in a different city and yes it was in a different building – but the Lord was there because the saints were worshipping and praising Him. Like in times past, the Convocation proved to be just what the founding father had intended: a time for the saints to gather. I found myself once again seeing friends I had not seen in a long time and making new friends; I found myself worshipping with my family, encouraging and supporting my leader and falling in love with and blessing my Savior for allowing me to be a part of the greatest church on the earth – the Church Of God In Christ!