Who the Son Sets Free, Is Free Indeed By Elder Lee Taylor

John 8:36

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (KJV)


At one time crack cocaine enslaved me for almost twenty-five years. I would go from one crack house to another searching for the next fix. I wanted to break free from the addiction, but I did not know how. I had a normal nine-to-five job like everyone else as a professional bricklayer. I went to work each day. However, on Fridays as soon as I got paid, I would run straight to the crack house. I would spend my entire check and after two straight days I would finally return home, completely broke. I was not able to provide any food for my family.


One day while I was inside the crack house the local police raided the building and arrested everyone inside. I was sent to jail. Once inside I met an old jailhouse preacher. He told me, “it is time to stop running because you know what God has for you to do!” I immediately thought about Jonah being in the belly of the whale. Jonah was trying to run from what God told him to do. When Jonah did not do what God told him, the Lord had a whale consume him for three days (Jonah 3:1-5). Little did I know that jail was my fish. While I was still incarcerated, I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. Shortly after giving my life to God I was released from jail.


Immediately following my release, I ran straight to the church. I was eager to tell the saints I went from the crack house to the jailhouse, and from the jailhouse to the church house! I was completely set free from my addiction and now I am preaching the Word of God. John 8:36 is right – who the Son sets free is free indeed! It does not matter what you are entangled with, God can set you free. Just fully submit to His will!