We are Well Able

Numbers 13:30

And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.


Raise your hand if you’ve had an idea that you talked yourself out of… only to see someone take that same idea and become famous or make a substantial profit – you wanted to just kick yourself. How many of us had an opportunity for a promotion, but we decided we weren’t really qualified so we didn’t apply. Then, a new supervisor comes on board and you find yourself training your new boss.


How well I remember a night when my mother was still living, and I spent a few days with her and my father (I was attending the Holy Convocation in Memphis). I heard her coughing for several minutes. She was coughing so violently it became almost unbearable. The Holy Spirit told me to get up, anoint her and pray for her.


Of course, I began to reason with the Spirit: she’s my mother and she raised me; she’s more anointed than I am; what’s my father going to think seeing that he’s an ordained elder, pastor and former superintendent; surely, he’ll be offended. This debate went on for several minutes. Finally, I got up, went down the hall and knocked on the door. My mother invited me in. I asked her if she had any anointing oil and she pointed me to the bottle. I dabbed a little in my hand and prayed. She thanked me and as I left the room, I began to hear her worship. I returned to my room and after what seemed like a very few minutes, the coughing subsided.


The following morning, I asked her how she felt. My mother told me that she slept much better than she had in weeks. Then she asked why it took me so long to pray for her because the Spirit had already told her that I was going to.


I suspect too many of us identify with the children of Israel as they camped along the banks of the Jordan river just outside of the borders of Canaan. There was no doubt that they had reached the place where God had destined them to possesses. There was no doubt that the land was fertile and lush. There was no doubt that they needed to settle somewhere, and they had been travelling for nearly two years since leaving Egypt. The only doubt was within themselves and their ability to possess the land. The doubt set in because they compared themselves to the inhabitants of the land (apparently giants, sons of Anak). When we become fearful and doubtful, this is a result of us comparing ourselves to our challenges.


Moses sent twelve spies into the land and only two of them (Joshua and Caleb) returned with a positive report – the children of Israel were well able to take it! The other ten had an evil report and went about the people stirring up fear. There was a key to the two different reports. The ten frightened spies said Israel looked like grasshoppers in their own eyes and therefore the inhabitants of Canaan saw Israel as grasshoppers. However, Joshua and Caleb compared the inhabitants of Canaan to God – the same God who destroyed Egypt, the same God who rained manna, the same God who sent quail, the same God who led them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. This is the God who was with Israel, and with God on their side, they were well able to take the land!


My friends, I suspect the reason why we are paralyzed by fear and doubt is because we see the struggle between our challenge and our resources (our strength, finances and know-how). It’s time for us to see ourselves in the battle with God’s resources. Remember, Jesus never fails. Let’s get off the bench of life and get back in the game. Let’s declare like Caleb – WE ARE WELL ABLE!


I bless you in the name of the Lord.