Word Study: Thankfulness

I really enjoyed writing about different words that have a deep impact on our lives, so this year I decided to continue with our word study series. I pray that as we study together, we better understand what these words mean and how they impact our lives. If they are for the good, let’s continue in them; if they are for the bad, may we recognize them and make changes in our lives.


Has someone ever done something for you that left you speechless? They gave you something or did something for you that took a lot of thought and effort. They spent time really observing you and really getting to know you – and it was demonstrated in the gift or the act of service they provided you. You didn’t even know how you would ever repay them or find the words to express your gratitude.
“Thanks!” just seemed like such an insignificant word; one that could never express the amount of tremendous gratitude you felt.

Conversely, have you ever done something or given someone something that took a lot of time and effort… and they never said thank you? Perhaps you felt they did not appreciate your time or effort. You might even contemplate not going through as much effort the next time, or even not doing anything for them again.

Thankfulness is a word whose meaning seems to be lost in today’s society. I remember a time when shopkeepers thanked you for patronizing them. Today, I notice that it is the customers who are the ones doing the thanking. By the way we are treated at times, it’s as if store owners don’t care if you shop with them or not. With as many options as we have, you’d think they would want their customers to be happy.

I have found that the best way to express gratitude is to use the words “thank you!”. Thankfulness is the act of expressing your gratitude. Although they are two small words, they encapsulate immense gratitude and appreciation. The Bible tells us to give thanks in everything. Always have an appreciative attitude when others do things for you. The Lord gave us a great gift and expects us to demonstrate our gratitude towards Him. Every time I thank the Lord for something He has done for me, I think of something else He has done. I can never catch up; He is always ahead with His acts of kindness towards me.

This year let us express our gratitude to others by making sure we thank them. Always remember that people make a choice to show us kindness. Has someone done something nice for you lately? Take the time to show them how much you appreciate the gesture and them by thanking them.

That being said, I want to thank you for reading my blog! I really do appreciate it – your comments encourage me to continue writing and sharing.


  1. Heaven Jordan

    Great read! Saying “thank you” truly goes a long way.

  2. Vivian Pruitte

    I totally agree

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