Covid-19 Impact on Our World Today

By: Melani Diop 

COVID-19 is affecting our socialization. How? Well first, everyone has to social distance. Social distancing is when you keep space between you and people outside of your home. We need to social distance because when everyone’s together in a big group it’s easier for the virus to get passed on. 

Second, everyone is communicating online, but that’s really not new. Communicating on social media is really our only way of communicating with the outside world because we need to social distance. We’re going to voice chat, video chat, and even text our friends and family instead of physically having a conversation with them. A short-term effect of COVID-19 is not being able to go to stores and such, and a long-term effect is social distancing. A positive outcome of COVID-19 is that our environment has been looking healthier and cleaner. The water looks clearer, and pollution is dropping rapidly across the globe.  

COVID-19 has caused a lot of short-term and long-term effects for everyone.  Personally, I feel this is what’s best for all of us; whether we like it or not it’s for our safety.  I feel when this pandemic is over our environment will be so healthy and clean with the lack of pollution which is positive. But, I think a negative is that when quarantine is over and we can be in contact with people, everyone is going to forget how to interact without their electronics. 

One Comment

  1. Sis.Ballinger

    Great article,stay postive and keep up the good writing.

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