Word Study: Loss

This is dedicated to my beloved Mother Thelma J. Gatlin

Suffering the loss of a loved one is a very difficult process. There is profound sadness and pain in the realization that there is a space in your heart that will not be reoccupied. The pain that accompanies the loss of someone dear is very acute in the beginning, but it usually becomes more manageable with time.

Loss in 2020 looks different than loss at any other time I have known. It is a dual sense of loss. One because a person you loved and shared a relationship with has passed on and you will never again have the benefit of their company. The other is most notable for the times we are currently living in. The loss of not being able to grieve with the loved ones left behind is the second loss we are currently experiencing due to the pandemic crisis.

The passing of a loved one is a time for family and friends who shared a relationship with the deceased to come together to mourn and celebrate the life of the loved one. Unfortunately, due to this pandemic we are relegated to only close family members standing apart a gravesite shedding tears in isolation. It is like a second death.

I recently received news that one of my “mothers in the gospel” had passed. I could not contain my tears as I heard the news, and neither could the person sharing the information. As distraught as I was to hear the news, I was more distressed about not being able to unite with the family in person during their grief. Sadly, there will not be a gathering together at a church where we can love, hold, and grieve with one another. There will be no repass where we share food and recount stories of our dearly departed mother. Besides her dying, this will be another great loss.

Mother Gatlin leaves behind a legacy of a good life. She raised her beautiful daughters and a son. I had known her for over 30 years and have worked with her for several of those years. One of the things that attracted me to her was watching her daughters make a fuss over her. She had trained them to work in the church and they were always helping her accomplish her tasks. I devoted myself to her and called myself one of her daughters. I had the opportunity to have words at her 80th birthday celebration where I recounted two things Mother Gatlin would always have with her and would always offer me; that was hand sanitizer and a breath mint. I chuckle even know at remembering that about her.

I worked as Assistant to Mother who was the Dean of Workshops for our State Women’s Department. She had a spirit of excellence in everything she did and tried her best to instill that in me. My prayer is that I could do half as good a job as she did. The last time I talked to Mother, I remember her telling me that her daughters would be sending me an invitation to her 90th birthday celebration. Sadly, this will no longer be possible. I am left to my memories of her which will always remain with me. Although this is a great loss, I am thankful for knowing her and having had her as part of my life. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15). Rest in peace Mother Thelma Gatlin.


  1. Jane Cornick

    Thank you so much 1st Lady
    What a beautiful tribute to Mom. Thank you for the love and support you showed her through the years. She loved you dearly, and she knew you would continue the work with the same love, passion, and the spirit of excellence.. Love you my Sis.

  2. Mary Gatlin

    That was so beautiful! I’m emotional and wanted to reach out to you to say Thank you! I’ve always recognized your love for Mom, and her love for you. Thank you, you’ve spoken the sentiments of our hearts. She dearly loved you appreciated you for your service throughout the years. You being with us at her home going service was perfect, It wouldn’t been right without you, seriously. She would have loved that. The days and nights she spent travailing in prayer and fasting, for the Women’s Workshop was often very strenuous for her health. But Mom couldn’t move until she had a word from God. Watching her down through the years was astounding. Sometime she didn’t have a revelation until the week before, the deadline. We all (daughters) worked untimely when it came to the Women’s Workshop…Lol, she made sure of that. So many years she labored. We Thank you for your gentle, kind heart and love you’ve expressed to her throughout the years She was the structure of our family, a jewel in our eyes, and we’re at a loss of words. Our hearts are sadden by her passing. We didn’t see it coming. You will always have a place in the “sisterhood,” love so much. Rest Well Our Dearest Mother.

  3. Janette Holland

    Missionary Vivian Pruitte
    Topic:Beloved Mother Thelma J.Gatlin
    June 23rd 2020
    Family and friends make it so much easier to go through a loss as significant as this one. We knew mama was sick but I never allowed myself to believe she would actually pass away. I often want to call her and just talk. A few weeks ago before she passed she called me and thanked me for loving her and teaching my children to love her too. As ridiculous as I thought that conversation was she understood her “Journey”….. she knew that her everlasting healing would not be with her family but alongside her heavenly father wish she would receive her heavenly completed healing.
    She loved you dearly and was led by God to choose you as your assistant. Much gratitude and appreciation to you for excepting the call of God and allowed mama to feel content leaving the beloved workshop in your capable hands.
    Thank you for caring for her
    Thank you and Pastor Pruitt’s for attending her Homegoing services during this
    Worldwide Pandemic and for speaking about her as well as all you’ve done throughout the years
    We were truly touched by love
    You’re in our “Sister hood “…..
    Sister Janette Holland

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