Divine Healing – March 2K11 WTLB

A Personal Testimony: Divine Healing
Sis DeLarge

In December of 1999 I was preparing Christmas dinner for my family and, while reaching for a bowl up in the cabinet, a sharp pain struck me on the right side of my breast. I thought maybe I was reaching to high, so I ignored the pain. Three months later the pain returned, sharp and sudden, and this time I said to myself, “I better have a mammogram done.” The image showed a large mass, the shape of a large egg. It was a scary sight. From that moment, my faith increased. I always had strong faith, but I knew this called for unwavering faith, the type Abraham displayed in the Old Testament when he told his son Isaac, “God will provide a sacrifice.” 

The sonogram and biopsy revealed the nature and size of the tumor and it was diagnosed as a “RT BREAST CARCINOMA.” The surgeon discussed the severity of the tumor.  He then said to me, “you are supposed to be dead.” I cried beyond measure, but my faith never wavered nor did I doubt how God was going to take me through. The surgery, a lumpectomy, removed the tumor and 21 lymph nodes. All 21 of them tested negative. The operation was a complete success with no complications. Praise the Lord! I went to the hospital on a Friday morning and was released three days later on Wednesday morning. Truly God is great and His mercy endureth forever! 

Afterwards, I underwent chemotherapy for six months. The oncologist told me my hair would begin to fall out after the second treatment. But thanks be to God – my hair never fell out. The Lord led me to use A&D ointment on my scalp. God works with the simple things of life. Oh how I bless His name! During chemo I got nauseous once. Two months later, I received radiation treatment, five days a week for five weeks. Once again, God brought me through. He is truly a wonder and very present help in the time of trouble. I ended chemo the day of my birthday, October 30, and I truly praise God for letting me live to see another day. 

I have been cancer free for 12 years. My God, through His son Jesus, my savior, gets the glory and praise. I wrote this testimony to encourage anyone that is going through any ordeal physically or mentally. Always remember, God made us and can heal any part of the body that suffers any trauma. David said, I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well…oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the people (Psalm 139:14).

One Comment

  1. Sis Jewell

    I enjoyed your testimony.  My best friend is suffering with cancer.  I'm going to tell her about the A & D ointment.  God is still on the throne and is still in the healing business.
    Be Blessed Woman of God,
    Sis Miles

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