A Child Called It – March 2K11 Youthful Expressions

Book Review: A Child Called It
By Asha King

I am currently reading a book called A Child Called It, an autobiographical account by David Pelzer. It is about an abusive mother and how she mistreated her son, David. Although she had four children at the time, she treated David very awful. David was held back a grade purposely even though he was at the head of his class. David’s mother starved him for ten consecutive days, made him drink ammonia, lay on the stove, stabbed him and did other harsh things to make her son’s life miserable. While his mother turned to alcohol, David turned to the Lord. He prayed that his mother would stop, but she did not. He continued to put his faith in the Lord, but it decreased after a while because his mother showed no remorse. He started thinking that God hated him because of the life he had to live. Not only was his mother beating him until he was black and blue, but he was bullied at school.

The last chapter was called “The Lord’s Prayer”. David believed that there was no God. He started thinking he was alone in his struggle to survive. David began to give up on words like hope and faith, believing these words only existed in fairy tales. The last thing he did was clasp his hands together, bend his head and closed his eyes. He prayed with all his heart, and with peace in his heart, whispered “…and deliver me from evil. Amen.”

This book shows that no matter what you’re going through, God will help you through it. Though David was so young, he still turned to the Lord.