Graduation 2.0

By Sister Mikayla Burrus 

Eleven months ago, if anyone would have told me I would be having a quarantine graduation, I wouldn’t believe it. That my graduation party would be held via zoom or that my diploma would be handed to me in an empty auditorium with just a single administrator and the company of just my immediate family, I would have thought they were making it up. Even though I didn’t finish high school the way I intended to, I still consider this milestone to be a great accomplishment. Without the support from my family, friends, church family, and God himself, this accomplishment would not have been possible.    

Despite the unexpected circumstances, my family and church family made this quarantine graduation one to remember by not having one, but four different events to celebrate my achievement. Starting with a zoom party then a parade, and drive-through graduations. My family made sure each of these events were special and unique in their own way. I had the opportunity to see and communicate with long distance friends and family members who I may not have been able to see at a normal graduation. Also, having a big parade with all the church members where they showered me with balloons, gifts, love, and words of encouragement. These things made my achievement extraordinary and showed me how loved I really am. 

So no, I would have never thought this is how I would conclude my high school experience, but I am extremely thankful for my family and the efforts put forth to celebrate me. However, now it is time for me to mature and transition from a teenager to an adult. I will take the lessons I’ve learned and the patience and determination it took for me to graduate during a quarantine to help me during the next chapter of my life. Not focusing on missed opportunities to do normal high school senior activities, but remembering how far God has brought me from and what He has blessed me with.  

One Comment

  1. Sis. Ballinger

    AWESOME!! Praying that God will continue to keep you focused on Him and keep your loved ones.

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