Persevere – To Receive Your Blessing! – April 2K11 WOTM

Persevere – To Receive Your Blessing!
By Brother Napoleon Paxton

PerseverenceI’m willing to bet each of us have had situations where we really wanted something badly. That something may have been a car, a new house, money to pay bills or even a spouse. We prayed and we prayed, but nothing happened. In our minds these things are reasonable requests and we had a reasonable time frame in “our mind” when the request should be completed. It is human nature to want what we want when we want it, but as we grow in Christ we need to realize that “God’s mind” does not always agree with our mind. Hosea 12:6 tells us to “wait on God.” This is something increasingly difficult to do, because the longer we wait the longer we have to deal with our current situation or go without that something we want so badly.

An important thing for us to remember is God’s plan for us is always the right plan! Proverbs 3:5 tells us to, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding.” Have you ever looked back on something you really wanted and realized that if you got it when you asked for it the result would not have been a good one? I know I have. When looking back on things I have asked God for, I have to give Him praise for not giving me everything I asked for. There have been jobs I have been turned down for only to receive better jobs later. There have been scholarships I was rejected from only to receive more lucrative and prestigious scholarships later. I can go on and on, but the point is if we trust Him, God’s way beats our way every time! 

Romans 8:28 reminds us that, “ALL things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according to HIS purpose.” As long as we are doing what God commands of us we will come out victorious! So I encourage you my brothers and sisters. Whatever you are asking God for, persevere and WAIT ON THE LORD! He WILL answer your prayer!