I Am Thankful!

By Sister Nicole Marcucci 

 My name is Nicole Marcucci, and I’ve got a testimonyI am thankful for so many things in life. It’s different viewing a person from the outside than being in their situation. I’ve been there. With this year coming to a close, it has been an eye opener to me. Things have been different this year for sure and we’ve had to change some things around. 

It is so important to remember the little things that He brings you out of. Due to the pandemic, it has been a bit difficult financially. It’s amazing though. When I had a bill come up, God never forgot about me. One day I would look into my account and there would be nothing; the next I would have enough to pay for it. What did I do first? I thanked God. It didn’t even have to be monetary, but He blessed me in the areas I need the blessing at the time. 

The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.” Psalms 34:17 

Stop stressing about what you can’t change. It is okay let go and let God take care of your situations. Go ahead and cry unto God and cast your worries knowing that He hears you. You have not been forgotten at all. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see anything happening. Just think of it as God is waiting for the right time to give it to you. 

I may make mistakes or stumble sometimes. It is important to remember that when you do fall, it is crucial to get back up and continue on the right path. I will continue to try to get closer to Him. And that’s my testimony!