I Love Jesus!!

I John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

John 15:18-19  If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.  If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.


It’s no secret to anyone that knows me; I love to worship and praise the Lord! I love to sing the Lord’s praise, rejoicing and magnifying His name. Often, visitors and guest at our services comment that they are not accustomed to seeing pastors worship as I do. My response usually is, “I just love the Lord.” However, I have discovered that too many people who proclaim salvation, or attend church, say they love the Lord, but are still in love with the world.

People say I am “old fashioned, old school, etc.” because I am cautious about embracing some new ideas and practices. I am not against technology, or new “things,” I just don’t want those things to take away any of my devotion and allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Remember when the rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked, “Good Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 18:18). Jesus instructed him to obey the commandments. The young man’s response was quick and decisive, he was already doing this. Then Jesus told him to go and sell all he had and give to the poor. At this request the young man was “sorrowful.” In other words, his wealth was more important than eternal life. How does this apply to us? I am glad you asked.

How many of us waste away countless minutes or hours on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or blogging(or for that matter in front of the television) in lieu of spending time in prayer, reading the Word of the Lord, attending church, spending time with our families, witnessing, etc.? Please don’t misunderstand; I am not against these things, unless we love them more than we love God. It’s amazing how many children do not know the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, or other basic Christian doctrines, but they know all the rap artists and the lyrics to the latest rap songs. And the artists have figured out how to help us justify their actions. After “singing” a song that degrades women, glorifies violence and encourages civil disobedience, when they walk on stage to receive an award, they greet us by saying, “Giving honor to God, who is the head of my life…” To make matters worse, “accepted” Christian artists will ask known secular artists to collaborate with them on a song and we flock to the stores to purchase the CD. The Bible says if you love me you will keep my commandments (John 14:15).

How many of the saints (or should we call them “church folks”) cannot give God proper praise because they are sending text messages during service? Or as I recently heard a preacher say, “Do you really need a blue tooth device in your ear while you’re directing the choir, leading praise and worship, testifying and preaching?” Is that telephone call, text message or blog really more important than giving our Savior praise?

For everyone who believes I am being too extreme, I am not anti-technology. I have many of today’s modern technologies. However, I have learned to control the devices and not allow them to control me. I agree with Paul when he declared nothing will separate me from the love of God (Rom 8:39)! Why did Lot’s wife look back? Because she loved Sodom and Gomorrah. Aren’t we warned in the scripture, in the last days men would become lovers of them own selves and pleasure more than lovers of God (I Tim 3:2-4)?

Our parents and grandparents were really the “Greatest Generation.” Not only did they fight world wars, build a great nation, but more importantly, they built strong families and raised us to love and serve God. They built great churches and denominations – and they had fewer resources (money, political clout, access to media) than we do today. Why is this so? Because our ancestors learned an important biblical truth; it is so basic and simple that we overlook it. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you” (Matt 6:33). They prioritized – they put God first. They gave sacrificially – they didn’t need two or three new cars. They didn’t need to have the biggest house on the block. They didn’t need a closet full of fur coats or several pairs of snake skin shoes. They didn’t stand around and boast about their tailor made suits. They set their affections on things above (Col 3:2). They believed their salvation or self worth was not measured by their bank accounts or what people said about them.

I want to encourage you, do not lay up your treasure on earth where moths and worms will eat them away. Don’t be so caught up with attaining material things that you lose focus on what is really important. Be careful of things and people that distract you and take you away from your love for Jesus and desire to serve Him. It’s really okay to go to lunch alone (especially on your fast day). It’s really okay to ignore an email from someone who deposits a spirit of gossip or disobedience in you. It’s really alright if you turn your cell phone off or leave it in the car during worship service.

In conclusion, many times in the scriptures our relationship with the Lord is likened to the husband/wife relationship (God is a jealous God, no man can serve two masters, man should love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave His life). I have been blessed with a wife whom I love dearly. Many years ago when I proposed to her, not only did I declare my love for her, not only did I commit to supporting her and caring for her; I also promised that I would always be faithful to her and would never do anything that would cause her to question my love and commitment to her. It’s been twenty-five years and I have not failed in those promises! I want to have that same testimony for my Lord!!

I hear the lyrics of that hymn of praise:

I love Jesus, He’s my Savior,
When storms are raging, He’s my shelter;
Where He leads me, I will follow,
I love Jesus, and He loves me!

I Bless You in the Name of the Lord,
Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Jr., Pastor & Founder