Recap of Youth Explosion 2011

By Sis. Loquetta Perry

I volunteered as a chaperone for HTC's youth trip and I had a wonderful time at the East Region Youth Explosion in Cherry Hill, NJ the weekend of April 1-2. There were a lot of youth in attendance. On Friday evening, Superintendent Linwood Dillard Jr., the President of the International Youth Department (IYD), brought the word of God to the youth. President Dillard’s topic was, “A Forecast of Abundance Rain” and he compared man's relationship with God as a spiritual drought. Also, he cautioned the people to avoid those with Jezebel spirit and reminded the youth that God finds and uses people in strange places, like the Tishbite named Elijah.

During the altar call, most of the HTC youth went up for prayer. I could tell that some were being delivered, healed and professing salvation. One of HTC's youth said that he was healed that same evening. It was a beautiful sight to be among youth who are not ashamed to praise the Lord. 

On Saturday morning, the speaker was Evangelist Joyce L. Rodgers, Chairlady of the International Youth Department. “Don't Trip. God Already Done it!” she exclaimed, coming from Exodus 14:1-4, 13, 14. She also threw in, “You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!” (HTC's theme for this year). She pointed out that we face spiritual warfare, according to Ephesians 6:12. Chairlady Rogers told the youth to declare a “trip-free” life and know that God has got their back. Following the Morning Glory, there were various seminars and events for the youth to attend.

On Saturday evening, the speaker was Pastor Tyrone L. Butler, President of the East Region IYD. The Spirit of the Lord took over the service to the point we didn't get through the entire program. The man of God was put up sooner. President Butler came from 1 Samuel 17:20-29 and chose as his topic, “There is a Cause.” He went on to explain that there comes a time when you have to fight. He used David and Goliath as an example. The enemy will use strategic methods to take our youth out of the church. But, when God has His hand on you, the devil can't take you out!

I enjoyed seeing HTC's youth taking part in the service. Even during the ministry of giving, all of HTC's youth were ready to give their offering to support the great Church Of God In Christ's International Youth Department. I look forward to volunteering with HTC's Youth Department for next year's Youth Explosion.