Kissing the face of God was a privilege afforded to one young woman. Can you imagine waking up every morning to see the face of...
1st Lady’s Blog – The Void
When we read the book of Ecclesiastes we find that King Solomon keeps searching for something to fill a void in his life. He turns...
1st Lady’s Blog – Needful Things
As women we tend to struggle with trying to do everything that we feel needs to be done. “Things can’t wait, they must be done...
1st Lady’s Blog – Our Worship Experience
At the beginning of this year, during one of our worship services when the Spirit of the Lord came in and lingered among us, I...
1st Lady’s Blog – Recover
Recently I have begun exercising. It has been a while since I have been on an exercise regimen so my body has been resistant. Even...
1st Lady’s Blog – Are Your Members Working?
At first glance this title might make you think about a church congregation, but I am actually talking about your body parts. I recently taught...